Product Design

4 Simple Metal Lathe Projects for Beginners to Start With

A metal lathe machine is a tool used for shaping metal pieces as per our requirements. There are several metal shapes one can make with it. It is a quick tool to learn if one knows how to apply the right techniques to shape it properly. 

Beginners usually find it difficult to operate it but if they select some simple shapes then it will boost their confidence and gradually, they can move ahead towards complex shapes. Today, we have brought 4 simple metal lathe projects that one can start with, let us have a look at them. 

  1. Bullet

The shape of bullets is simple: cone-shaped and it is quite small in size too so you should start with this. It will help you to get familiar with the machinery, how to use it, understand how the lathe spins. 

Image result for metal lathe bullet

Print a picture of a bullet for reference. Now, add metal to the Lathe machine and with the picture as your guide, you have to recreate the exact taper of the bullet. It is just a beginner project so no worries if you don’t make it right, just practice it and keep on doing to get the exact structure. 

2. Rings

Another simple project that you can work on is, rings. You can use any metal scrap, nuts and bolts to convert it into rings. Also, the shape of a ring is quite small so you will finish it easily too. Not much metal will be required for this, you can start with soft metal as it will be easy for you.

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Just create a simple design, don’t put too much effort to carve intricate designs on it for the first time. Go for intricate designs gradually when you master this art. 

3. Metal candlestick 

Image result for metal candle sticks lathe

You can make a candlestick with a lathe machine. It is not that simple but also not that complex. Get some candles from the market and put them in it. Also, paint it to make it look even better. After doing this, you can challenge yourself to do more complex tasks. 

4. Cup 

After successfully creating the candlestick, you should now upgrade yourself and make a cup with the lathe machine.  Most of the steps for both candlestick and cup will be the same so just try it out. Put proper efforts to make it look real. 

Image result for metal cup lathe

So, here was an overview of simple metal lathe projects to start with. Take the proper guidance of an expert if you are doing it for the first time. Learn the techniques from the internet and apply it with concentration to master it. Make different shapes with it and become an expert gradually. 

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